
* Before booking, please read our regulations and safety measures.

Course Highlights

What will you learn?

The AIDA Level 4 Performance Freediver Course is a specialised course for deep diving designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to take you into the deep blue. You will be introduced to the needed techniques, knowledge and safety procedures for deep freediving such as Mouthfill equalisation technique, lung stretching, packing and much more!

It consists of four main phases:

  • Knowledge development about nutrition, relaxation, advanced freediving skills and techniques, including mouthfill equalization, needed for deep diving.
  • Full body stretching, lung stretching including packing and reverse packing.
  • Confined water sessions to improve static and dynamic apnea results.
  • Open water sessions to practice mouthfill equalization and perform deeper free immersion and constant weight disciplines.

By the end of the course you will be able to perform a 3 minutes 30 seconds breath-hold, swim 70 meters underwater with fins and dive comfortably between 32 and 38 meters depth.

To enroll on AIDA Level 4 Course, you must be at least 18 years old and have an AIDA Level 3 certification (or equivalent from a recognized training agency and completed AIDA Crossover Day). You also need to have a completed course of First Aid with CPR within the last two years.

Course materials

Upon course registration we will send you course materials in a digital format.

Equipment included

During the course, you will get all the equipment needed for your course.

Certification card

After successful course completion you will receive a digital certification card.

Diving insurance

Diving insurance is included in the course price.

The divesite is located less than 10min drive with our RIB from the centre. Our facilities offer warm showers, changing room & lockers, so we can arrive to the divesite prepared and ready to jump in the water.

See also Regulations and safety measures.

Course Schedule

2:00 PM Welcome Meeting

After meeting with instructor you will sign the required paperwork in order to start the course.

2:15 PM Theory Session

Academic session (Blood Shift & The Mammalian Dive Reflex, Mouth-Fill Equalization, Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) Diving / Exhale Diving).

4:00 PM Confined Water Session

Static Apnea, Static Apnea Coaching, Dynamic Dive, Dynamic Blackout RRR

7:00 PM Debrief
8:30 AM Open Water Session

Warm-Up Hangs, Functional Residual Capacity Dive with Mouth Fill

12:00 AM Lunch Break
3:00 PM Theory Session

Academic session (Lung Squeeze & Barotraumas, Thoracic Cavity Flexibility, Psychology of Deep Freediving, Streamlining).

5:00 PM Debrief
8:30 AM Open Water Session

Buddy System Procedure, Functional Residual Capacity Dive with Mouth Fill, Constant Weight Dive with Mouth Fill and Free Fall

12:00 AM Lunch Break
3:00 PM Theory Session

Academic session (O2 Oxygen, Henry’s Law and the Effects on Decompression Sickness and Nitrogen Narcosis, RRR — Rescue/Response/Revive)

5:00 PM Debrief
8:30 AM Open Water Session

Warm-Up Hangs, Constant Weight Dive with Mouth Fill and Free Fall, Arms-Only Ascent, Loss of Motor Control Rescue

12:00 AM Lunch Break
2:00 PM Theory Session

Academic session (Relaxation and Positive Motivation, Fitness Training for Freediving).

4:00 PM Stretching Session

Thoracic Cavity Flexibility

5:00 PM Debrief
8:30 AM Open Water Session

Buddy System Procedure, Warm-Up Hangs, Functional Residual Capacity Dive with Mouth Fill, Constant Weight Dive with Mouth Fill and Free Fall, Ascent without a Mask, Blackout Rescue with Tow

12:00 AM Lunch Break
3:00 PM Theory Session

Academic session (Professional Freediving Equipment, Rigging Ropes & Floats, Food for Freediving, Environment).

5:00 PM Course Debrief

Final theory exam and course completion paperwork.

* Course schedule may vary depending on the boat departure times.


* Before booking, please read our regulations and safety measures.

Course Highlights

Next Courses

Payment options

We accept online payment in the methods below, as well as cash or card payment in person.

Have a Question?

Feel free to reach out and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

Elevate Your Freediving Experience!

Take your freediving skills to the next level.

The following programs can be combined with AIDA 4 Course to upgrade your knowledge and skills.

Instructor Course

Gain the knowledge, skills and teaching techniques to be ready to teach in a professional, competent and confident way.

Basic training

Improve your technique, develop skills and get your PBs deeper. We will help you in reaching your goals.

Master Program

Finished a freediving course and unsure how to progress? This one-to-four-week training program is focussed entirely on training.